Saturday, January 15, 2011

We've moved...

Our blog has moved to WordPress so please join us over there for all the fun and frivolity that we're working on. Hope to see you there!

~ Karen & Rebecca

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Still Thankful

It's been a while since our last post, and it's just coincidence, now that we're here at Thanksgiving, that the post in October was about being thankful. I think here at red plume, we're in a constant state of thankfulness. We've met amazing people, work in an amazing community, and have worked with some simply amazing clients. Yes, it is our own hard work that has gotten us here, but taking that moment of gratitude really puts it all into perspective, into a world view. We're blessed. And we hope we are returning the favor to others.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to tell you all how thankful we are for you and your support and friendship. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, your families and friends!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thankful for the Support

Having a network is critical for a small business owner. Yes, it is a good place for referrals and with hard work, income. But more importantly, I was thinking of the support it provides. People in your field commiserate with your obstacles. Business owners in the same season of business understand the growing pains. People outside of your field give fresh perspective, and seasoned veterans depart wisdom. Together, we provide stronger services for our clients and build our local communities. We can learn something from every entrepreneur and in turn, can share our stories to help others. Starting a business sounds scary, but there are many others out there willing to give you a boost. Find them and you're on your way.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Writers can be Superheroes!

Uh-UHM, that's Superheroines to you

A hearty guffaw for a Monday...

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hardly Strictly Truth: A Plea for Passion

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass is a music festival in San Francisco each year, and 2010, being the banner year in my life that it is, happened to be my lucky year to finally experience it. Why I was out of town or busy on this date in each of the previous seven years, I’m not sure. But here I was so there I went.

I’m not a huge fan of bluegrass – just have not spent enough time with it – but as the name implies, it is hardly strictly just bluegrass music. MC Hammer performed – sorry I missed that. But I did get to see some really talented performers on Day 2.

One of those great performers was Bonnie “Prince” Billy, self-described as alternative/folk/rock. I had heard of him before, but thoroughly enjoyed his set, the ballads and the rock, the slide and the harmonies. He chatted it up with the audience and he seemed genuinely pleased to be there, singing in the mist.

One song away from retiring from stage, he addressed the audience. His plea was for each of us to take this musical experience, the idea of this festival, the enjoyment of this music, and bring it to the corners of the nation. Spread the word about what you felt right here, right today, and try to make it happen for others. Share the depth.

So was he saying that you should go out and start a bluegrass festival in your hometown? Well, yes, actually, he was saying that. It sounds a bit huge, I know, but break it down into steps, the first being: spread the passion. If you did go back home to your roommates or coworkers and talked about your amazing musical experience, the passion is contagious. A few more fans converted, a bit more excitement around the subject. Soon, it’s a movement, and soon after that, people are demanding a bluegrass festival in town. But the key, the main starting point, is to start spreading the passion.

You have a passion – I know you do. It can be anything: antiques, music, belly-dancing, your business, your kids, food, spirits (liquid or ghoulish), teapots, gaming, biking, sleeping, whatever. How are you pursuing it, if you’re pursuing it at all? Why not start? And why not share your love with others because you know what? There are plenty of others out there who share your passion or at least appreciate it. And that makes it even more fun, a richer experience. So let it out, talk it up, and make some passionate connections.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Big things a'brewing...

Yes, we've been kind of silent over here. Been away from our beloved blog. We just wanted to share with you that there has been a good reason for that.

We've been doing some internal work to strengthen our communications with our clients and fans. We're updating our website, in content and format. We're creating an email newsletter (long overdue). We're gathering some great work and kind words from clients to really showcase our passion. All this combined, we hope, will express how much we love to help businesses tell their stories and be heard.

So please, keep calm and carry on. We're back here, poking around behind the scenes and writing away. Look out for these exciting new things in the next month.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

UPCOMING EVENT: Indie Mart - Sunday 9/19

Stroll through 85+ vendors selling their independent wares, ranging from jewelry, apparel, vintage, art, letterpress, screenprinting, and DIY for guys and girls. Right outside Thee Parkside at 17th Street and Wisconsin, there will be bands both inside and outside, as well as food and drinks.

Rebecca and I went to the last one back in July and were amazed at the talent that was there. If I were a rich girl (na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, nah!), I may have bought out most of the jewelry, such beautiful stuff. Enjoy and fun day in the sun and support local indie shops.

The Indie-Mart Street Fair
Sunday, September 19
Thee Parkside - 17th and all down Wisconsin
12-6 PM, with after-party from 6-7:30 PM

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